Thursday, June 14, 2007

June 14 - Pablo Intro

Yaana has been spending time in the channel just offshore of the town of San Blas.

Pablo is planning to return to San Blas early next week, weather permitting.

Recently, someone asked how Pablo and I hooked up. Dr. Pablo Bordino receives support from Wildlife Trust, a New York-based conservation organization whose base of operations for its Aquatic Conservation Program was at Mote Marine Laboratory for several years. r. Buddy Powell, who heads this program, is a 30+ year colleague and friend. He asked me to become involved in the franciscana program when it became clear that tagging would be a useful progression in the research. Buddy was aware of the pivotal role the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program has played in development and testing of dolphin tagging techniques since 1970. I was introduced to Pablo during a visit to the U.S., and along with Martha Wells, I went to Argentina in September 2003 to scope out potential research sites for tagging. And the rest is history!

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