Friday, December 21, 2007

Betty - December 21

Betty remains in the same area.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Betty - December 19

Betty remains in the same small area off the edge of the shelf.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Betty - December 18

Betty remains in the same area she has for more than 3 weeks, near the 1,000 m contour at the edge of the shelf. She has made one dive to 800-1,000 m - the deepest dive ever documented for this species (perhaps approaching the sea floor on this occasion), and double the deepest dive recorded for Clyde. Most of her dives continue to be to depths less than 50 m. One dive lasted 11-15 min, but most contrinue to be less than 4 min in duration. After more than 19,000 transmissions, battery voltage still looks good.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Betty - December 17

Betty remains in the same area as she has for the past 3 weeks.

Betty - December 16

Betty remains in an area of less than 50 km diameter. The contrast to the first 2 months of tracking, during which time she traversed most of the Gulf of Mexico, is remarkable.