The Argentine members of the team give names to the dolphins, as a convenient way of distinguishing between the individuals being tracked. The inspiration behind the names ranges from something that would identify the animal with the region, or to honor people of importance to the project.
- "Yaana" (pronounced shaana), the name of the first dolphin tagged, is the Tehuelche word for mother. The Tehuelche tribe was one of the local native tribes in this region of Patagonia.
- "Roberto" was named after a highly respected member of the San Blas Prefectura (the Coast Guard) who died in 2005, about the same time we tagged our first franciscanas in Bahia Samborombon. Roberto was a close friend of several team members, and the Prefectura in San Blas provided housing for the team, a boat, and crew for the project this year.
- "Lea" was named after team member Leo Berninsone. Leo participated as an intern with our research program in Florida in 2006. He was seriously injured from a gear failure on the catch boat during the capture of Roberto and Lea on the last day, but is expected to make a full recovery.
- "Marta" was named after Martha Wells, someone who has played a major role in encouraging and providing support for the project since its inception in 2003, but who was unable to join the team this year due to other obligations.